
Promast is an innovative producer of primary requirements of the construction industry, focused on mounting, insulation, filling and sealant applications. Promast’s specialty is the production of value added aerosol PU foams, silicones, polyurethane and hybrid based sealants and adhesives. Promast’s products are geared towards professional and non-professional users.
Heat Insulation

For its business partners, Promast strives to create difference without compromising its basic core values such as; dependability, highest standards of manufacturing, broad product portfolio, leadership in innovation, strategic partnership and environmental policies.

Promast’s mission is to produce innovative products which have never been produced in our territory before at affordable prices. R&D is at the core of Promast. In line with this mindset, a laboratory with vast production and analysis capabilities has been instituted for this purpose. Thanks to this investment, Promast was able to obtained effective quality control system.

In ever changing market conditions and competition dynamics, Promast maintains its product quality and service standards. Promast is the very first company to receive the support of KOSGEB for manufacturing eco-friendly silane modified hybrid polymers (SPM technology) in Turkey. After moving to its new factory in 2018, Promast has completed the quality certification process. All production process is being operated under ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards.


To be a producer that creates value for our customers, offer a safe workplace and future for both its employees and the environment, and make a difference with our quality services and products.


We never compromise on security. We believe that sustainability is the key to achieving better performance in the long term for the success of our company. For this reason, we make the best use of available resources in order to work in the most efficient way possible and manufacture superior quality products that meet the needs of the industry.

Core Values

  • Safety and environmental responsibility
  • Honesty, ethical behavior and high moral character
  • Team collaboration and support with transparent information sharing
  • Results focused on helping others succeed.

Our Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Quality Certificates

Conformity to Standard Quality Certificates

Conformity to Standard

CE 2022 Quality Certificates

B1 Acryseal-FR

CE Quality Certificates


Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

B1 Fire Foam

CE 2022 Quality Certificates

B1 Fireseal

Declaration of Performance Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 0.5

ISO 14001 Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 0.5

ISO 9001 Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 0.5

Certificate Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 1.0

ISO 9001 Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 1.0

Declaration of Performance Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 1.0

Certificate Quality Certificates

Brake & Clutch Cleaner

CE Quality Certificates


Quality Certificates Quality Certificates


Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 0.5

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 1.0

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 0.5

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates

Giscolene F 1.0

Quality Certificates Quality Certificates


Quality Certificates Quality Certificates